Saturday, 15 September 2018

There is no good time for blaming

My mother often tell me I should always consider and choose a better time if I want to give comments on any one.
But I found out that almost no one loves to hear blaming.
So there will be no good time for blaming.
It is easy to blame someone for their mistake. So all of us choose to do easy thing: blame someone when they do something wrong.
But it is difficult to understand why they do so.
Everyone do something for a reason. Everything happens for a reason.
It is more important to understand why they did it than blaming them for it.
Try not to blame someone. Try to understand. Find the reason, fix it. Be happy !

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Chiem nghiem

"Everything is relativity, only one thing is absolute: it is everything is relativity."  Everything is changing, there only one th...